Wholesale Biodegradable Straws | Cycle of Life Natural Products
Why Your Business Should Use Biodegradable Straws
There’s no arguing that petroleum plastics are polluting our oceans and harming the environment. Maybe you have considered the number of petroleum plastics that your business uses on a daily basis but groaned at the daunting process of switching over to reusable or biodegradable products instead. Or perhaps you’ve already tried biodegradable products and found them lacking in performance. You may be afraid that this could lead to unsatisfied customers and eventually even a decrease in sales.
Thankfully, there’s an answer! Read on to find out about a cost-effective, easy, petroleum plastic switch that can make a huge difference for your business and the environment.
How a Small Straw Can Make a Big Difference
Research estimates that 8 million tons of plastic are added to the ocean every year, but only 1% of that is visible. 99% of that is either too deep or too small to see. The plastic that is too small to see is called microplastic. These particles of plastic that break down are ingested by sea life, causing toxicity to their digestive systems. This problem affects the entire ocean food chain, even down to the small-life cells that form the basis of the ocean food web - plankton. Plankton is one of the biggest consumers of these microplastics. This quickly kills off the plankton populations throughout our salt-water ecosystems, leaving many larger animals, such as whales, who depend on plankton for food without the sustenance that they need.
While straws are by no means the answer to all of the plastic waste we create, they still constitute a large part of the danger to animals and ocean-life. It’s estimated that Americans alone use anywhere from 150 million - 500 million straws a day. Their danger to birds, animals, and ocean life has been documented countless times, necessitating we do as much as we can to diminish this waste.
So what is the answer?
Whether you’ve tried to go straw-free or simply heard frustrating experiences from others, you undoubtedly know that the alternatives come with challenges. Asking patrons to bring their own straw results in very little participation. While other alternatives are of poor quality and offer a less than satisfactory experience to your customers.
It’s a tall order to fill, that’s certain. An eco-friendly straw that is higher quality, environmentally friendly, and doesn’t leave your customer with a mouthful of soggy cardboard.
Enter... Cycle of Life biodegradable straws.
Biodegradable Straws are Non-Toxic
Unlike petroleum plastic straws, biodegradable straws are broken down naturally by bacteria in a matter of months. Therefore, their particles often never even make it to the ocean. But even if they did, they are non-toxic to sea life or any other animal, as they are made of organic material, such as our sugarcane straws. When thrown out in landfills, the sugar, or other organic material they were made of, will return right back into the soil where it came from without any detriment to wildlife.
Biodegradable Straws Are Not All Paper
The paper straws feel oddly rough and quickly become mushy. Why would you waste multiple paper straws per customer which can become expensive? However, there are better options that provide a much better drinking experience. New technologies have found ways to turn other renewable resources into biodegradable straws that mimic a closer texture and feel to plastic. Some of these include sugarcane, bamboo, coffee, and more. These types of straws used in soft drinks and other beverages produce a much higher satisfaction rating than paper straws. Our sugarcane straws are every bit as durable and very alike in texture to traditional straws, without any harmful chemicals, and will degrade in 18 months or less.
Biodegradable Straws Can Save You Money
Materials such as sugarcane, coffee, bamboo, and more are renewable, sustainable, and readily available. They come from the unharvested parts of plants that are used for other purposes including straws, cups, plates, etc. You can provide a better customer experience, enhancing your environment while saving the environment.
Looking for Biodegradable Straws for Your Business?
Our disposable sugarcane drinking straws are 100% biodegradable and have zero carbon footprint. Our straws are every bit as durable as the alternative petroleum plastic straws that are harmful to the environment. Check out our online store or contact us to speak to a specialist about how we can increase your bottom line and work together to save the planet.